How To...


How do I get started?

If you already have an account:

Click Login, and sign in using the email address and password you specified when you created your account.

If you don't have an account yet:

Click Create account, fill in the fields, and click Create account at the bottom of the page.

Or you can use the website without creating an account.  In that case we won't be able to store your study history, so you'll have to start over from scratch on your next visit.

Click Try it, and select which test you're studying for. 


How do I get to the questions?

Press the Study button.


How do I answer the questions?

If you think you know the answer to the question, click anywhere within that answer text region. (It is not necessary to click directly on the radio button.)

If you do not know the answer, click Show answer. After you have read any explanations and learned the correct answer, click on the correct answer to continue.

Some questions have hint or "show me" buttons (distinguished by red text). Press these buttons to see the hints.

You can also click 50/50 to eliminate half of the wrong answers.

A single click records your correct answer and brings up the next question.

Be sure to read all of the program's responses. They contain useful additional information!


How do I switch over to study for a different test?

  1. Click Choose topics.
  2. Mark the topics in the tests you want to study for. (Setting or clearing a group topic affects all topics under that group.)
  3. Click Study to return to the questions.

How do I make the question text larger (or smaller)?

Your browser gives you control over the size of our question, answer, and explanation texts.

In Internet Explorer you set the text size by selecting View on the Menu Bar, choosing Text Size, and then selecting the desired value. A shorthand way of changing this selection is to scroll using the mouse wheel while holding down the Ctrl key. This is more frequently used by accident to mess up the settings than on purpose to set them.

Other browsers have other methods to change the text size.


How do I make it repeat the questions more (or less) often?

The Repetition delay factor on the Options screen gives you control over how soon the program repeats questions. Increase the factor to increase the time between question repetitions, or decrease it to see the questions sooner.  If you want noticeable results, make large changes to this factor. For example, if a factor of 1 gives too much repetition, try setting it to 5 or 10.

No matter what factor you choose, the program always uses "intelligent repetition", showing you questions with low scores sooner than questions with high scores.


How do I get the program to only ask me questions in a specific score range?

You cannot directly control which questions the program asks. However, if you want to see a higher percentage of new questions, increase the Repetition delay factor on the Options screen. If you want more review questions, decrease the factor.

Also, you can enable or disable specific subtopics on the Choose topics screen to concentrate on a specific study area.


How do I save my session?

First, you must create an account.  (It's free!)

  1. Click Create account.
  2. Enter all required fields and any desired optional fields.
  3. Click Create account at the bottom of the page.
  4. Correct any errors until you see the "Account for ... successfully created" message at the top of the screen.
  5. Click Study to return to the questions.

Your scores are permanently saved as each question response is processed.  Once you have created the account, it is not necessary to save your session ever again.  Just be sure to sign in to the same account each time you return to the site.


How do I change my email address, password, or other account information?

You can change your email address, password, and other information in your account on the My account screen.